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Fashion and style

Updated: Jan 11, 2020

Accessories and elegance 

Ladies wear accessories to accentuate their own style, to show their personality, and to turn faded fashion into eye-catching fashion.You need a good selection of bags, scarves, trinkets and hats to highlight their look. In order to choose fashion, you must take into account several things, such as weather, occasion, and people who will meet them, and that the opposites attract, such as wearing a short decorated dress and large earrings, and add a piece of clothing that she is not used to wearing fashion, and add her own taste to the costume, and personal style, starting with a piece Clothes you love very much then complement the rest of the costume based on the piece

Collection of bracelet

: start collecting a group of bracelets; it is possible to coordinate their colors and wear, to highlight the appearance of clothing

Gold watch: The gold watch looks beautiful on the hand, adds luster to ordinary clothes, and highlights formal wear

Decorative scarves: The scarf is a great way to add colors and highlight the fashion, and does not have to be multicolored, and patterns to give the desired effect.

Bags:  the modern lady needs a large bag; to carry everything you need during her day, and to look elegant, and this bag gives a slim appearance of the hand and waist


Long earrings make the face thinner, large and short earrings are suitable for the rectangular face, and light-colored earrings, such as pearls or white stone, make the appearance of the face shimmer.

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